
Get a token object through the getToken(tokenSymbol) function on the tokenService.

The list of tokens that can be passed into getToken() are: SAI, MKR, WETH, PETH, ETH.

This list can also be obtained with tokenService.getTokens(). This function returns a string representation of the token symbol, e.g. 'SAI', which can also be passed into getToken.

When the Multi-Collateral Dai plugin is in use, getToken('DAI') will return a token object for Dai.

const tokenService = maker.service('token');
const sai = tokenService.getToken('SAI');
const weth = tokenService.getToken('WETH');
const peth = tokenService.getToken('PETH');

Most of the methods below can be called on any token object. deposit and withdraw are for WETH only, and join and exit are for PETH only.


const allowance = await dai.allowance('0x...owner', '0x...spender');
  • Params:

  • tokenOwner - address of token owner

  • spender - address of token spender

  • Returns: promise (resolves to token allowance)

allowance returns a currency unit representing the token allowance.


const balance = await dai.balance();
  • Params: none

  • Returns: promise (resolves balance of current account)

balance returns a currency unit representing the token balance of the current account


const balanceOf = await dai.balanceOf('0x...f00');
  • Params: address to check

  • Returns: promise (resolves balance of address)

balanceOf returns a currency unit representing the token balance of the supplied account.


const totalSupply = await dai.totalSupply();
  • Params: none

  • Returns: promise (resolves total supply of token)

totalSupply returns a currency unit representing the total token supply


return await dai.approve('0x...f00', DAI(10));
  • Params:

  • spender - address of token spender

  • amount - amount of token to allow

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

approve approves the spending address to spend up to amount of msg.sender's tokens.


return await dai.approveUnlimited('0x...f00');
  • Params: address of token spender

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

approveUnlimited approves the spending address to spend the maximum amount of msg.sender's tokens.


return await dai.transfer('0x...f00', DAI(10));
  • Params:

  • to - address to send to

  • amount - amount of token to send

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

transfer transfers amount of token to to address.


return await dai.transferFrom('0x...fr0m', '0x...t0', DAI(10));
  • Params:

  • from - address to send tokens from

  • to - address to send to

  • amount - amount of token to send

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

transferFrom() transfers amount of token from from address to to address. Transaction will fail if msg.sender does not have allowance to transfer the amount of tokens from the from address.

deposit (WETH only)

return await weth.deposit(ETH(10));
  • Params: amount of Eth to deposit

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

deposit converts amount of Eth to amount of Weth.

withdraw (WETH only)

return await weth.withdraw(WETH(10));
  • Params: amount of Weth to withdraw

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

withdraw converts amount of Weth to amount of Eth.

join (PETH only)

return await peth.join(WETH(10));
  • Params: amount of Weth to join

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

join converts amount of Weth to Peth, at the Weth to Peth Ratio.

exit (PETH only)

return await peth.exit(PETH(10));
  • Params: amount of Peth to exit

  • Returns: promise (resolves to transactionObject once mined)

withdraw converts amount of Peth to Weth, at the Weth to Peth Ratio.

Last updated