CDP Service


This page applies only to Single-Collateral Dai.

Retrieve the ETH CDP Service through Maker.service('cdp'). The ETH CDP Service exposes risk parameter information for the Ether CDP type (in single-collateral Dai, this is the only CDP Type).

const service = maker.service('cdp');


  • Params: none

  • Returns: promise (resolves to liquidation ratio)

getLiquidationRatio() returns a decimal representation of the liquidation ratio, e.g. 1.5

const ratio = await service.getLiquidationRatio();


  • Params: none

  • Returns: promise (resolves to liquidation penalty)

getLiquidationPenalty() returns a decimal representation of the liquidation penalty, e.g. 0.13

const penalty = await service.getLiquidationPenalty();


  • Params: none

  • Returns: promise (resolves to yearly governance fee)

getAnnualGovernanceFee() returns a decimal representation of the annual governance fee, e.g. 0.005.

const fee = await service.getAnnualGovernanceFee();

Note: This is often referred to as the Stability Fee, even though technically the Stability Fee is the fee that is paid in Sai, and the Governance Fee is the fee that is paid in MKR. But since fees are only paid in MKR in Single-Collateral Dai, and only paid in Dai in Multi-Collateral Dai, the fee in Single-Collateral Sai is often referred to as the Stability Fee to be consistent with the term that will be used in Multi-Collateral Dai and to avoid unduly confusing regular users.

Last updated