

The event pipeline allows developers to easily create real-time applications by letting them listen for important state changes and lifecycle events.


  • An event name passed to any event emitter method can contain a wildcard (the *character). A wildcard may appear as foo/*, foo/bar/*, or simply *.

  • * matches one sub-level.

e.g. price/* will trigger on both price/USD_ETH and price/MKR_USD but not price/MKR_USD/foo.

  • ** matches all sub-levels.

e.g. price/** will trigger on price/USD_ETH, price/MKR_USD, and price/MKR_USD/foo.

Event Object

Triggered events will receive the object shown on the right.

  • <event_type> - the name of the event

  • <event_payload> - the new state data sent with the event

  • <event_sequence_number> - a sequentially increasing index

  • <latest_block_when_emitted> - the current block at the time of the emit

    type: <event_type>,
    payload: <event_payload>, /* if applicable */
    index: <event_sequence_number>,
    block: <latest_block_when_emitted>

Maker Object


maker.on('price/ETH_USD', eventObj => {
    const { price } = eventObj.payload;
    console.log('ETH price changed to', price);


maker.on('web3/AUTHENTICATED', eventObj => {
    const { account } = eventObj.payload;
    console.log('web3 authenticated with account', account);

CDP Object

cdp.on('DEBT', eventObj => {
    const { dai } = eventObj.payload;
    console.log('Your cdp now has a dai debt of', dai);

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