The Dai Javascript Library of the Maker Protocol

Dai.js is the JavaScript library that helps developers easily build DeFi applications on top of the Maker Protocol, MakerDAO's platform of smart contracts.


Dai.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to build applications on top of MakerDAO's platform of smart contracts. You can use Maker's contracts to open Vaults (formerly known as CDPs), deposit collateral and generate Dai, trade tokens on decentralized exchanges, and more.

The library features a pluggable, service-based architecture, which allows users to easily integrate Maker functionality into their own apps. It also includes convenient configuration presets for out-of-the-box usability and support for both front-end and back-end applications, plus plugins for integrating with Maker governance, hardware wallets, and both Single-Collateral and Multi-Collateral Dai.

If you have questions regarding Dai.js that are not answered in the following pages, please reach out to us on the #dev channel on or create a Github issue.

Last updated